Beto Tunga [Complete Hymn with Lyrics]

The hymn entitled ‘Beto Tunga‘ is one of the popular Zaira/Efik/Yoruba Hymns composed by Sir Jude Nnam which is used in Christian communities during worship. Catholic faithful use this hymn as one of the Offertory Hymns for Mass and other liturgical celebrations. You will find below the lyrics of this hymn.

Beto Tunga Lyrics

Bass: d.d/s.s:-:s.l/f.f:-:f:l/s.s:-:-/d,

Beto tunga beto tunga beto tunga aye

Beto tunga dibundu beto tunga aye

Beto tunga dibundu beto tunga aye

Sop: Beto tunga, beto tunga, beto tunga

Beto tunga, beto tunga beto tunga

Beto tunga, beto tunga (bass sings above as ref)

1. Kuisa mpanginat maka bunanayge yee beto tunga

Kuisa mpangi nata maka bunanage yee beto tunga

dibundu ya nzambi lkele ya moto yonso O beto tunga 2x

2. Kuisa mpangi nata makabu na- nge yee beto tunga (2x)

Batata na beto nata maka boo beto tunga 2x

3. Kuisa mpangi nata makabu na nge yee beto tunga 2x

Bamaman na beto nata maka boo beto tunga (2x)

4. Kusia mpangi nata makabu na nge yee beto tunga 2x

Bilenge na beto nata maka boo beto tunga (2x)

5. Kusia mpangi nata makabu na nge yee beto tung(2x)

Chorale na beto ikela ya moto yonso na beto tunga (2x)

6. Kusia mpangi na maka bun a nge ye e beto tunga (2x) .

Paroisse na beto ikele ya moto yonso

O beto tunga (2x)

Other Efik/Yoruba Offertory Hymns

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