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Catholic Prayers

8   Articles in this Category

Catholic Prayers
Catholic Prayer is a category that houses the Catholic Prayers as provided by Catholic Lectionary.  These prayers are those said by Catholic on daily basis. They include: Daily Prayers, Chaplet Prayers and Other Prayers.
Daily Prayers
These are prayers said daily or ought to be said daily by Catholics. They include: Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory Be. These prayers are very important for the Catholic faithful. It also includes Morning Prayers, Afternoon Prayers, Evening Prayers and Night Prayers.
Chaplet Prayers
These are Prayers said with Chaplets.  It includes Chaplet of Blessed Virgin Mary, Chaplet of Archangel Michael, Chaplet of St. Jude, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Chaplet of Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, Chaplet of the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and other Chaplet prayers.
Other Prayers
These include all other devotional prayers said by Catholics. All the Novenas are also involved here.


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