Glory to God in the Highest [Complete Hymn with Lyrics]

The hymn entitled ‘Glory to God in the Highest‘ is one of the popular hymns used in Christian communities during worship. Catholic faithful use this hymn as Entrance Hymns for the Mass and other liturgical celebrations. You will find below the lyrics of this hymn.

Glory to God in the Highest

Glory to God in the Highest Lyrics

1. Glory to God,

Glory to God in highest,

And peace on earth,

2. Glory to God, glory to God

Glory to God in the highest

And peace on earth, good will towards men.

Goodwill towards men, towards me;

Goodwill towards men, towards men

3. Glory to God

Glory to God in the highest,

And peace on earth, goodwill towards men

Towards men, goodwill,

Goodwill towards men, goodwill towards men.

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