Jesus for Me [Complete Hymn with Lyrics]
The hymn entitled ‘Jesus for Me‘ is one of the popular English hymns composed by Kirk Patrick which is used in Christian communities during worship. Catholic faithful use this hymn as one of the Communion Hymns for Mass and other liturgical celebrations. You will find below the lyrics of this hymn.
Jesus for Me Lyrics (Key D)
1. Jesus my Saviour is all things to me,
Oh what a wonderful Saviour is He,
Guiding protection o’er life troubled sea,
Mighty deliverer Jesus for me.
Chorus: Jesus for me, Jesus for me,
All the time every where
Jesus for me.
2. Jesus in sickness, and Jesus in health,
Jesus in poverty, comfort or wealth,
Sunshine or tempest, whatever it be
He is my safety, Jesus for me.
3. He is my refuge my rock and my tower,
He is my treasure, my strength and my power,
Life everlasting, my daysman is he,
Blessed Redeemer, Jesus for me.