Jesus Redeemer from thy Heart [Complete Hymn with Lyrics]
The hymn entitled ‘Jesus Redeemer from thy Heart‘ is one of the popular English hymns which is used in Christian communities during worship. Catholic faithful use this hymn as one of the Communion Hymns for Mass and other liturgical celebrations. You will find below the lyrics of this hymn.
Jesus Redeemer from thy Heart Lyrics
1. Jesus, Redeemer, from thy Heart,
Wounded by love, all graces flow.
Giver of all good gifts thou art,
Thy gift of gifts on us bestow.
2. This crowning gift escapes our sight,
Faith bids us lovingly recall
How on that blessed paschal night
Giving thyself thou gavest all.
3. Thou who art throned above the skies,
Ruling the world with royal sway,
Lowly didst kneel in servant’s guise,
Washing stains of guilt away.
4. Bread thou didst bless, “Take ye and eat,
This is my Body, which is given
For all of you’, O words most sweet!
Hail, blessed Body, Bread from heaven!
5. Wine thou didst bless to give us cheer,
‘This is the Chalice of my Blood
Shed for you all’. O World most dear!
O broken Heart! O cleansing flood!
6. Praise be to thee, our Host and Guest,
Jesus, our Blessed Lady’s Son,
To Father and to Spirit blest,
Praise to one God while ages run.