Jesus Thou Art Coming [Complete Hymn with Lyrics]
The hymn entitled ‘Jesus Thou Art Coming‘ is one of the popular English hymns which is used in Christian communities during worship. Catholic faithful use this hymn as one of the Communion Hymns for Mass and other liturgical celebrations. You will find below the lyrics of this hymn.
Jesus Thou Art Coming Lyrics (Key F 4/4)
(Adoration and Faith)
Chorus: Jesus Thou art coming,
Holy as Thou art,
Thou, the God who made me,
To my sinful heart,
Jesus! I believe it,
On Thy only word,
Kneeling, I adore Thee
As my King and Lord.
(Humility and Sorrow)
1. Who am I, my Jesus,
That Thou cam’st to me?
I have sinned against Thee,
Often, grievously.
I am very sorry
I have caused Thee pain,
I will never, never
Wound Thy Heart again.
2. Put thy kind arms around me,
Feeble as I am,
Thou art my good Shepherd
I, Thy little lamb.
Since Thou comest, Jesus,
Now to be my Guest,
I can trust Thee always.
Lord, for all the rest.
3. Dearest Lord, I love Thee,
With my whole, whole heart,
Not for what Thou givest,
But for what Thou art,
Come, O Come, sweet Saviour,
Come to me, and stay,
For I want thee Jesus,
More than I can say.