My Story (Thanksgiving) [Complete Hymn with Lyrics]

The hymn entitled ‘My Story (Thanksgiving)‘ is one of the popular hymns which is used in Christian communities during worship. Catholic faithful use this hymn as one of the Offertory Hymns for Mass and other liturgical celebrations. You will find below the lyrics of this hymn.

My Story Lyrics

1. When I remember what you’ ve done for me my heart leap for joy for there’s none like you.

When I remember that you died for me, my heart leap for joy for there’s none like you.

And so, and so.

Refrain: I will give Thee all I have received I will give Thee all I have. Sop. Lord my offering to you. Which I offer with my friends today. Transform them and transform us. Purify them and purify us. In this sacrifice Divine for always. Lord you know that I have given all I had.

2. There was a time in life when I thought all was lost,

Lord I am a living testimony of your love.

You changed my story of woe to joy:

Lord I am a living testimony of your love.

And so and so. Ref.

3. Many cannot see, many cannot hear.

I am blessed with these, glory be to God.

Many have no food. Many have no home.

I am blessed with these glory be to God.

And so, and so Ref.

4. I will tell this story to my neighours.

I will tell this story to all my friends

I will sing for you. I will praise your name.

I will dance for you, for there’s none like you.

And so, and so. Ref

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