Nearer still Nearer close to thy Heart [Complete Hymn with Lyrics]
The hymn entitled ‘Nearer still Nearer close to thy Heart‘ is one of the popular English hymns composed by Sarah F. Adams / Dr. L. Mason which is used in Christian communities during worship. Catholic faithful use this hymn as one of the Communion Hymns for Mass and other liturgical celebrations. You will find below the lyrics of this hymn.
Nearer still Nearer close to thy Heart Lyrics (Key G)
1. Nearer still nearer, close to thy heart.
Draw me my Saviour
So precious thou art,
Fold me O fold me a fold close to thy breast,
Shelter me safe in that Heaven of rest. (2ice)
2. Nearer still nearer, nothing I bring, naught as an offering,
to Jesus my King Only my sinful, now contrite heart,
Grant me the cleansing Thy blood doth impart DC
3. Nearer still nearer, Lord to be thine,
Sin with its follies, I gladly resign
All of its pleasures, pomp and its pride,
Give me but Jesus, My Lord Crucified. DC
4. Nearer still nearer, While life shall last
Till all its struggles and trials are past, then this eternity ever I’ll be,
Nearer my Saviour, still nearer to thee. DC