Ọ bụrụ na Ị hụrụ m n’anya debe iwu m [Complete Hymn with Lyrics]

The hymn entitled ‘Ọ bụrụ na Ị hụrụ m n’anya debe iwu m‘ is one of the popular Igbo Hymns which is used in Christian communities during worship. Catholic faithful use this hymn as one of the Communion Hymns for Mass and other liturgical celebrations. You will find below the lyrics of this hymn.

Ọ bụrụ na Ị hụrụ m n’anya debe iwu m Lyrics

Chorus: Dinwenụ kwuru sị, Ọ bụrụ na Ị hụrụ m n’anya debe iwu m, Aga m arịọ Nna ka onye ụnụ mmụọ ọzọ nke ga-anọnyere ụnụ ebebe.

1. Onye nwere ịhụnanya dobere iwu nile. Onye enweghị ịhụnanya, ya asịna na ya ma Chukwu.

2. Iwu ọhụrụ ka m na-enye ụnụ ka ụnụ hụ onwe ụnụ n’anya otu m si hụ ụnụ.

3. Ihe aga eji na-ama na ụnụ bụ ndị otu m bụ ịhụnanya ụnụ hụrụ onwe ụnụ.

4. Onyenweanyị nye anyị ịhụnanya Ị nye anyị ịhụnanya ozuorola anyị.

Other Igbo Communion Hymns

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