O Praise Ye the Lord [Complete Hymn with Lyrics]
The hymn entitled ‘O Praise Ye the Lord‘ is one of the popular hymns composed from Psalms 148 & 150 which is used in Christian communities during worship. Catholic faithful use this hymn as one of the Offertory Hymns for Mass and other liturgical celebrations. You will find below the lyrics of this hymn.
O Praise Ye the Lord Lyrics
1. O praise ye the Lord!
Praise him in the height
rejoice in his word,
ye angels of light,
Ye heavens, adore him
by whom ye were made
and worship before him,
in brightness arrayed.
2. O praise ye the Lord!
Praise him upon earth,
in tune full accord,
ye sons of new birth.
Praise him who hath brought you
his grace from above
Praise him who hath taught you
to sing of his love.
3. O praise ye the Lord!
All things that give sound;
each jubilant chord re-echo around;
loud organ, his glory
forth tell in deep tone,
and what he hath done.
4. O praise ye the Lord!
Thanksgiving and song
to him be outpoured
all ages along.
For love in creation
for heaven restored
for grace of salvation
O praise ye the Lord!
Other English Offertory Hymns
- Accept Almighty Father
- Accept O Father in Thy Love
- An Angel Stood by the Altar
- Bringing in the Sheaves
- Come God’s Children Let Us Sing
- Count Your Blessings
- Ever Faithful Ever Sure Heart
- God Almighty
- God Loves a Cheerful Giver
- I Surrender All
- I Trusted Even When I Said
- Let Us Break Bread Together
- Let Us Break Together on Our Knees
- Lord Accept the Gifts We Offer
- My God Accept My Heart this Day
- One Thing I Ask of the Lord
- Receive O Holy Father
- Take My Hands
- Take and Sanctify
- Take Our Bread
- Take this Bread O Lord
- We Bring Our Gifts Lord Bread and Wine
- We Offer You O Father Above
- What Can We Offer
- Where Love and Charity Abide
- Almighty Father Take this Bread
- All that I am
- Abraham’s Sacrifice
- Bring Them In
- Behold O God this Lowly Bread
- Father Take the Gifts We Bring
- God Our Father Everlasting
- Father While this Bread is Readied
- Glory and Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ
- If You Bring Your Gift to the Altar
- Like the Stars
- Lord We Offer You these Gifts
- Lord Who at thy First Eucharist
- O Holy Lord by All Adored
- Oh Lord with Wondrous Mystery
- O Lord from All Your Church
- O God We Give Ourselves Today
- O Sing a New Song to the Lord
- O Give the Lord You Sons of God
- O Father Take in Sign of Love
- O Priest and Victim Lord of Life
- O Praise Ye the Lord
- Our God is Good Give Praise to Him
- Please Accept our Gifts
- A Gift from My Heart
- Bring Them to the Lord
- Bring Your Offerings
- Lord I Come with My Gift
- My Story (Thanksgiving)
- Yahweh’s Goodness
- All Man’s Labour
- Receive Oh Father God of Might
- Reap Me the Earth as a Harvest to God
- We Offer Thee the Holy Mass
- It is Pay Back Time