Resonet in Laudibus [Complete Hymn with Lyrics]

The hymn entitled ‘Resonet in Laudibus‘ is one of the popular Latin hymns which is used in Christian communities during worship. Catholic faithful use this hymn as one of the Communion Hymns for Mass and other liturgical celebrations. You will find below the lyrics of this hymn.

Resonet in Laudibus Lyrics

Chorus: Apparuit, apparuit quem genuit Maria. DC

1. Resonet in laudibus cum incundis plausibus Sion cum fidelibus.

2. Sion lauda Dominus, Salvatores omnium Virgo parit Filium.

3. Natus est Emmanuel, Quem praedixit Gabriel Testis est Ezekiel.

4. Sancta Tibi Trinitas, O Semnium gratias, Resonet altissimas.

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