Rex Regum [Complete Hymn with Lyrics]
The hymn entitled ‘Rex Regum‘ is one of the popular Latin hymns which is used in Christian communities during worship. Catholic faithful use this hymn as one of the Communion Hymns for Mass and other liturgical celebrations. You will find below the lyrics of this hymn.
Rex Regum Lyrics
Chorus: Ecclesiam protege Pontificem sustine
Ste Petri Cathedral Salutis regula;
Ste Petri Cathedra Salutis regula. Amen.
1. Rex regum in splendore caelestis gloriae;
Exsurge pro honore tuae Ecclesiae.
2. Te Christus Redemptorem infugnant tartara.
Sed semper te Victorem Te Stantur saecula.
Other Latin Communion Hymns
- Homo Quidam
- Adoro te O Panis Coelice
- Sacris Solemnis
- Caro Mea vere est Cibus
- Anima Christi
- Quod in Coena
- O Bone Jesus
- Ecce Panis Angelorum
- Ecce Panis Vitae
- Panem Caelis
- Panis Angelicus
- Alma Redemptoris Mater
- Resonet in Laudibus
- Rex Regum
- Adoro te Devote
- Pie Pellicane Jesu Domine
- Ave verum Corpus natum de Maria Virgine
- Sancti Venite Corpus Christi sumite
- Glorificabimus te Semper
- O Esca Viatorum
- Ego Sum Panis Vitae
- Domine non sum Dignus
- Dominus Pascit Me