Sọ otu Ihe ka m na-arịọ n’aka Dinwenụ [Complete Hymn with Lyrics]

The hymn entitled ‘Sọ otu Ihe ka m na-arịọ n’aka Dinwenụ‘ is one of the popular Igbo Hymns which is used in Christian communities during worship. Catholic faithful use this hymn as one of the Communion Hymns for Mass and other liturgical celebrations. You will find below the lyrics of this hymn.

Sọ otu Ihe ka m na-arịọ n’aka Dinwenụ Lyrics

Chorus: Sọ otu Ihe ka m na-arịọ na aka Dinwenụ,

(Bass: Dinwenụ) ka m bi-ri, ka m bi-ri n’ụlọ nke Dinwenụ na mbọsị n-dụ m nile.

1. Dinwenụ bụ Ihe na nzọpụta m

onye ka m ga-atụ egwu.

Di-nwe-nụ bụ ebe mgbaba m

O-nye ga-eyi m egwu.

2. Ọ ga-ezo-be m na-ebe obi-bi ya

m-bọ-sị ọgbaghara m

ọ ga-ezo-be m n’ime mkpukpu ya

Kwư-ba-sie m ike na mkpu-me.

3. Aga m e-were obi añụrị

na-achụ a-ja n’ụlọ Dinwe-nụ

aga m ekwe ukwe añụrị nye Dinwe-nụ.

4. O-tito dịrị Nna na Nwa na Mmụọ Nsọ

n’ụ-wa-tụ-wa nile.

Other Igbo Communion Hymns

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