The Spirit of God Rest Upon Me [Complete Hymn with Lyrics]

The hymn entitled ‘The Spirit of God Rest Upon Me‘ is one of the hymns used in Christian communities during worship. Catholic faithful use this hymn as Entrance Hymns for the Mass and other liturgical celebrations. You will find below the lyrics of this hymn.

The Spirit of God Rest Upon Me Lyrics


The Spirit of God reposes on me.

The Spirit of God has consecrated me.

The Spirit of God has sent me forth that I may preach peace and love.

1. The Spirit of God chose me to spread the kingdom of Christ among all the nations,

and to announce the goodnews to the poor.

So I leap for joy in God my redeemer.

2. The Spirit of God chose me to spread kingdom of Christ among all the nations,

and to console the hearts that are crushed by their sorrows.

So I leap for joy in God my redeemer.

3. The Spirit of God chose me to spread the kingdom of Christ among all the nations,

and to receive the poor who weep in despair.

So I leap for joy in God my redeemer.

4. The Spirit of God chose me to spread the kingdom of Christ among all the nations,

and to announce the year of grace and salvation.

So leap for joy in God my redeemer.

5. The Spirit of God chose me to spread the kingdom of Christ among all the nations,

and to proclaim His glory to all the peoples.

So I leap for joy in God my redeemer.

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